“Every step I take is a declaration of my independence and a celebration of my freedom”

<aside> 💡 Welcome to your Manifestation Dashboard and thank you for downloading! This free version allows you to enter the world of manifestation and self reflection through different techniques and worksheets. I would suggest to start working from left to right, so do the vision board exercise first and then work your way through to the notes at the end. Also, feel free to change the pictures in the bottom part and add some from your vision board to make this Dashboard a perfect fit for you. If you want to go deeper into manifestation techniques and level up your manifestation game, make sure to check out my Complete manifestation dashboard, containing additional manifestation techniques, reflections on how to make your personal SWOT analysis, and more exercises to complete your vision!



You've likely come across the concept of manifestation before, but let's ensure we're all on the same page. Manifestation is the art of turning your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions into real-world results. It's about consciously creating the life you desire by aligning your mindset and actions with your goals. In this dashboard, we'll explore the principles and techniques of manifestation, offering you the tools and guidance to unlock your full potential and transform your aspirations into reality. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, abundance, and personal growth as we delve deeper into the incredible power of your thoughts and beliefs.

Manifestation techniques

Vision board



Money Blockers

My Vision

5 Year Manifestation

My Notes


Thank you for getting my Template!

This template has been create with lots of love and always keeping in mind the kind of workbooks I would have liked during my manifestation journey! I hope this template has given you a lot of value while completing the different worksheets.

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